Winter’s Daughter

Your village of Honeymoor was attacked by the Drune, black-cloaked sorcerors obsessed with the secrets of the standing stones that lie across the land and their mercenaries, your friends were carried off as sacrifices and your homes burned and you were forced to flee deep in the Dolmenwood.

At first you were able to find a place to regroup in the Glade of Bears and its clear running spring, ranging out into the forest to hunt for food and to gather up any stragglers. Now though you need to find somewhere to settle before the autumn weather turns. You have been exploring deeper into the forest looking either for a suitable location or for treasures that you could use to buy land in an existing settlement outside the forest.

While exploring the woods you came across a pale-faced knight, Amor, who said he had been ambushed by the Drune while on pilgrimage to a nearby tomb. He asks you drive away the Drune and secure the tomb and in exchange he can offer you help in finding a new home.


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