The Feral Crier

This is the house newsletter of Feral Indie Studio and according to the editorial in issue zero was started as an old-school response to new-age social media turmoil.

Issue Zero

This has a really striking cover (but uncredited) which almost immediately made me covet this otherwise functional piece of promotion.

There are two main articles, one an extract from Leantown which didn’t grab me.

More interestingly there was a writeup of a game of Vyrmhack featuring little illustrations of the members of the two warbands who have teamed up to assassinate an NPC lord and loot their stronghold.

It was an enjoyable read with a decent emergent narrative which could have been expanded out a bit to provide a bit more detail about the actual game. All I took away was that it seems very common to critically fail magic rolls.

Although slight I enjoyed reading this one and hope that a more substantial issue might appear one day.